Clinical/Applied Assistant Professor of Prosthetics & Orthotics
Rehabilitation Sciences
College of Education, Nursing and Health Professionsmitsou@hartford.edu 860.768.5571 D 312A
CPO, Certified in Orthotics and Prosthetics, American Board of Certification
MSPO, Prosthetics and Orthotics, University of Hartford
BS Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University
Teaching Focus: Professor Mitsou is an instructor in both the Upper and Lower Extremity Orthotic portions of the curriculum as well as Materials and Methodologies in O&P. These courses form the clinical foundations related to patient evaluation, fabrication, care/maintenance, and intervention. She also teaches Kinesiology and Scientific Inquiry. Her research focus is related to material science and how custom-fit composite AFOs affect temporospatial gait parameters and joint angles.
Professional Interests: Professor Mitsou serves as Co-Chair of the Fabrication Sciences Society for the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists and is a Connecticut state lead advocate for the ‘So Everybody Can Move’ campaign. She is passionate about assisting students with professional development and pursuing the residency phase of their education. Her clinical experience includes treatment of patients of all ages with a variety of pathologies as well as work in adult neurologic rehabilitation and long-term management of progressive illnesses.