Clinical/Applied Assistant Professor of Prosthetics and Orthotics
Rehabilitation Sciences
College of Education, Nursing and Health Professionshoffmanfi@hartford.edu 860.768.4423 Dana 312A
CP, Certified in Prosthetics, American Board of Certification
MA, Education, Teachers College Columbia University
BA, Sociology, Brandeis University
Teaching Focus: Professor Hoffman-Finitsis teaches multiple courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels of the O&P program. Her clinical courses include Transtibial Prosthetics and Upper Extremity Prosthetics. She also teaches Professional Issues, Scientific Inquiry, and various courses within the combined program. Her Scientific Inquiry research foci include body powered and myoelectric upper extremity prosthetics control strategies in relation to activities of daily living.
Professional Interests: Professor Hoffman-Finitsis treats patients in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Her experience is in both lower limb and upper limb prosthetics, and she is currently a local upper extremity specialist for Hanger Clinic. She is involved in research projects within the University of Hartford program and consults on external projects. She is a participating member of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists.