Associate Professor
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecturesawruk@hartford.edu 860.768.5763 HJG W205B
EdD, NOMA, Associate AIA
Graduate Diploma, Architectural Association (London, England)
BArch, Carnegie-Mellon University
Teaching Experience
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, University of Hartford
- Design Faculty Responsible for First-Year, Second-Year, Third-Year and First Year Graduate Design Studio; Developing Curriculum Revisions for the new 4 +2 Master’s Degree Program. Member Faculty Senate- Diversity Committee.
- National Architecture Accreditation Board- Accreditation (NAAB) Coordinator
- Curriculum Development, Designed and installed team room for accreditation visit
- Co-Chair, (Crosbie/Davis/Sawruk/Cobb) “Architecture in the Democratic City.”
- ACSA Northeast Regional Conference, October 2010.
- National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA), Faculty Advisor
- American Institute of Architects Students (AIAS), Faculty Advisor
- Tau Sigma Delta National Honor Society, Faculty Advisor
- (First year, Urban Design and Thesis Coordinator) Responsible for First year Design and Theory Coursework, Ancient/Modern History Curriculum, Third Year Design Studio, Advanced Architectural Theory Coursework, Study Abroad Program, Significant Expansion of Slide Library, Writing Departmental Self-Evaluation Report and Developing New Mission and Curriculum Revisions for the new 5.5-year First Professional Masters Degree.
- Co-Chair, (Chance/Sawruk) “Not White: Diversity in Architectural Education.”
- 20th National Conference on Beginning Design Student, April 2004.
- Co-Char, (Sawruk/Kloster) “Architecture in the Democratic City.”
- ACSA Southeast Regional Conference, October 1996.
- Intern Development Program (IDP) Educator Coordinator, 1995-2005
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Southern College of Technology
- Responsible for Architectural History Sequence, First Year
- Design Sequence, Initiating the Study Abroad Program, Creation of Slide Library, Architectural Library Acquisitions, and Programmatic Requirements for Architecture Building Renovation. One of three faculty recruited to help transition the AET program to an accredited BARCH program. Full accreditation awarded spring 1994.
- Responsible for Architectural History I, Design VI,
- Design I, Graphic Fundamentals, and Alpha Rho Chi faculty advisor.
- Responsible For Foundation Coursework, Basic &
- Advanced Theory Coursework, Architectural Lecture Series, and The Development Of The Architectural Library & Slide Library. Hired to help develop an ACSA candidate program into a fully accredited five-year BARCH program.
- Responsible For Coursework/Instruction.
INSTRUCTOR of "Architectural Styles of Pittsburgh", Community College of Allegheny County
- Responsible For Coursework/Instruction
Work Experience
Upper landing assoc., llc. Residential Design/build | East Haddam, Connecticut
- OWNER – Responsible for the design, development and construction of custom designed single-family housing projects. Residences vary from small additions to 8,000 sq. ft. water-front homes and promote the regional Arts & Crafts style.
Designs by Joy, Inc., Residential Designers | Norfolk, Virginia
- PARTNER – Responsible for the design and development of over 60 custom designed single-family and multi-family housing projects. Residences vary from small additions to a 12,000 sq.ft. sea-side villa. Multi-family includes townhouses, apartments and mixed-use commercial/residential.
- COCA COLA ACTIVATION TEAM MEMBER - Responsible for the instillation of Coca Cola signage throughout Six Flags Amusement Parks in Los Angeles, Houston, and Chicago.
- LEAD PAINTER FOR INSTALLATION - Coka Cola "Cool Zone," Amusement Park Pavilion for Six Flags over Georgia,
- SCENIC PAINTER DURING CONSTRUCTION - Coka Cola "Cool Zone," Amusement Park Pavilion for Six Flags, New Jersey, California & Texas.
GA MAGAZINE | Atlanta, Georgia
- PARTNER, ART DIRECTOR & CONTRIBUTING WRITER - Responsible For Cover Design, Page Layout, Add Design, and Cultural Events Columnist: Including Reviews of Painting, Photography, Sculpture, and Theater. Versatile In Macintosh Word, Freehand, Photoshop and Quicken.
HABS/HAER | Washington, D.C.
- ARCHITECTURAL COORDINATOR - Responsible for the documentation of the Citrus History of Riverside California, including: Regional Landscape, Irrigation Canals, Orchard Plans, and Historic Citrus Packing Houses.
- DESIGNER AND DRAFTSMAN - Worked on the construction drawings for Wellington
- Terrace in Falmouth, Cornwall (speculative housing) and the preliminary design for a residential estate in Lausanne, Switzerland (apartment complex and private house).
- DESIGNER, DRAFTSMAN, MODEL MAKER - Responsible for presentation drawings and
- wooden model of Westminster Archives Building, London and the design, development, and presentation drawings for an adjacent apartment building.
- DRAFTSMAN AND DESIGNER - Worked on the design, development, and presentation drawings of various building projects, including: Sandy Cove Resort, Produce Marketing Association Offices, and Willow Valley & Granthom Woods Life-Care Facilities.
- DRAFTSMAN - Worked on presentation and construction drawings of Allegheny Landing Park, PPG-Allison Park Complex, McCormick Memorial Park, and Senator Heinz Residence.
- The Hartford Bus Stop Shelter: A Design-Build Research Laboratory
- Principle Investigator with Assistant Professor Moss as Project Lead.
- 2013 Network Summer Faculty Enrichment Program Grant Award.
- “Reframing Gender: Men Women and the State”
- 2012 Network Summer Faculty Enrichment Program Grant Award.
- “People Power: Revolts in the Arab World”
- 2011 Network Summer Faculty Enrichment Program Grant Award.
- “Coverage in Context: Media and the Middle East”
- 2010 Network Winter Faculty Enrichment Program Grant Award, San Juan, PR.
- “Energy and the Environment:” (Sustainable Alternatives).
- Principle Investigator: Faculty and Staff Grant Program. Capital Community College Partner.
- “Knowing Your Neighborhood” Elementary Education Architectural Teaching Resource.”
- Saleh Keshawarz: Principle Investigator, $1.3 Million Grant, Afghanistan Ministry of Higher Education. Developed New Architecture Curriculum, Course Descriptions, Texts and Resource Requirements.
- 2009 Network Summer Faculty Enrichment Program Grant Award.
- “Changing Places, Changing Faces: Recent Immigrant Settlement in the United States.”
- 2003 Newport, RI Summer School Educational Program for Historians and Museum Curators.
- (Chance/Sawruk) $3000 towards the publication of the conference proceedings.
- Not White: Diversity in Architectural Education, Edited by Chance, 2004.
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- $436,755 to facilitate youth summer camps, after-school tutorials, and fair/accessible housing.
- 2002 Network Summer Faculty Enrichment Program Grant Award.
- “Performance in Public Space.”
- The Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
- For exceptional achievement on behalf of the youth of our community.
- New Horizons Mentorship Program, 2001-2002.
- The Governor’s School for Science & Technology.
- The Menchville House Ministries, Virginia.
- For the donation of design and construction drawings to renovate apts. into a battered women’s shelter.
- The American Institute of Architects, Hampton Roads Chapter, Virginia.
- For outstanding service and commitment to the chapter’s mission.
- 2001 Network Summer Faculty Enrichment Program Grant Award.
- “Ancient Cities and Modern Urbanism.”
- New Horizons: The Governor’s School for Science and Technology, Virginia.
- For the year donated as a Student Mentor.
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- $258,050 to facilitate youth education and community revitalization.
- (3) One Week Summer Programs for Junior High School Students
- "China; Tradition and Transformation"
- United States Department of Education: Develop coursework related to China and Chinese Culture.
- Southern College of Technology Foundation Inc.
- Cobb County Public Schools, Georgia.
- Saint Louis Chapter, American Institute Of Architects.
- The Boy Scouts of America: For education programs related to Architecture.
- Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation.
- American Institute of Steel Construction.
Presentations and Publications
Quaker Perspectives in Higher Education (Pending Book Publication 2014)
Article: “The Morphing of America’s Liberal Arts Colleges.”
Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association 24th Annual Conference, 2013
“The Austin House: The First Post-Modern Incarnation”
Atlantic City, NJ
Third International Conference on Food Studies. 2013
“The Swift Factory Farm: An Architectural Laboratory for Urban Revitalization”
University of Texas, Austin, Texas
University of Hartford Fall Lecture Series, 2013.
"30 Slide Challenge"
Hartford, Connecticut
The Southeast Society of Architectural Historians Conference, 2013.
“Richard Morris Hunt and the Howland Library: A Little Bit of Everything and Nothing,”
North Carolina State University
11th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, 2013
“The Educational Opportunities Afforded Afghan Women”
Budapest, Hungry
Policy Roundtable to Discuss Public Act No. 12-40
An Act Concerning College Readiness and Completion
Participant: University of Hartford, July 2013
The International Journal of Islamic Architecture, April 2013.
“Reconstructing Afghanistan: An Architecture Curriculum for a “New Way of Life.” (Peer-reviewed)
The Quaker Journal of Higher Education, March 2013.
“The Morphing of America’s Liberal Arts Colleges.” (Peer-reviewed)
49th International Making Cities Livable Conference, 2012.
"Revisiting the Five Points Partnership: Measuring the Success of Citizen Sponsored Revitalization,"
Portland, OR
49th International Making Cities Livable Conference, 2012.
Workshop Facilitator: "Empowering Community Engagement,"
Portland, OR
10th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, 2012
“Reconstructing Afghanistan: An Architecture Curriculum for a “New Way of Life,”
Montreal, Canada
American Collegiate Schools of Architecture Conference, 2011.
“A View over the Wall: Post Modernism in Herat, Afghanistan,”
Houston, TX
16th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student, 2011
“Weaving Walls: An Alternate Narrative of the Essence of Architecture,”
Omaha, Nebraska
University of Hartford Fall Lecture Series: 2009
"A View Over The Wall: Exploring Stylistic Pluralism in Herat Afghanistan,"
Hartford, Connecticut
The American Collegiate Schools of Architecture Southwest Conference, 2009.
“The Real, the Fabricated, & the Fake: Creating an Architectural Identity for Coastal Virginia,”
Albuquerque, NM
The Southeast Society of Architectural Historians Conference, 2009.
“Hampton Institute: An Architectural laboratory for Richard Morris Hunt,”
Mississippi State University
8th International Architecture Conference- Cairo, Egypt 2010.
Architecture & Built Environment Contemporary Issues.
“New Urbanism: Not New, Not Urban, and Not Sustainable”
(Paper Abstract accepted but could not present due to lack of funding)
Hampton University: Urban Institute, Fair Housing initiative.
National Fair Housing Training Conference and Housing Policy Summit, 2004
Washington, D.C.
The International Making Cities Livable Conference, 2003.
“A Positive Vision for Young People.”
Santa Fe, NM
Housing Issues and the African American Community.
DuBois Institute, Atlanta, Georgia. 2003
Editor, Jeffrey Williams
The International Making Cities Livable Conference, 2002.
“Knowing Your Neighborhood: HU Architectural Summer Day Camp.”
St. Augustine, FL
12th Annual Building Virginia Conference, 1999
Virginia Society of American Institute of Architects: Continuing Education Seminar,
“From the City Beautiful to Edge City: Prototypes of New Urbanism,” Richmond, VA
The International Making Cities Livable Conference, 1999.
"Historic Anomaly or Urban Prot-type: Hilton Village, Newport News, Virginia"
Southeastern Collage Art Conference, 1999.
"Internationalizing the Curriculum,” Paper presenter & Panel Participant,
Norfolk, VA
World Conference on Model Cities, Singapore, 1999.
(Paper accepted, but could not present in person due to lack of funding)
The Southeast Society of Architectural Historians Conference, 1999.
“Hampton University: A Design Laboratory for Richard Morris Hunt.”
16th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student, 1999.
“Academic Exercise: The Definition of Space.”
Las Vegas, NV
ACSA West Central Regional Conference, 1998.
"The Search for a New Way Home: The five Point Partnership, Norview Virginia"
The International Making Cities Livable Conference, 1998.
Citizenship and the Revitalization of an Urban Community,"
Carmel, CA
The Southeast Society of Architectural Historians Conference, 1997
“Hampton Normal & Agricultural Institute: An ideological State Apparatus for the
Repatriation of Newly Freed Slaves.”
Critterplatz: The Further Adventures of the Rolly Polly Pumpkin (Children's Book)
Editor: Written By Josette Kane, 1997. (National Publisher Interested in Series)
The Rolly Polly Pumpkin Tours Bethlehem (Children's Book)
Editor: Written By Josette Kane, 1994, 1997. (National Publisher Interested in Series)
Critical Urbanism
Editor, Brigette Knowles, 1995.
"Isolated or Integrated: The difference Between an Architecture Dominated by
Formal Oppositions or Methods of Synthesis,." Philadelphia, PA
The Urban Scene and the History of the Future
Managing Editor, Karen Eldridge, 1994.
"Isolated or Integrated: The difference Between an Architecture Dominated by
Formal Oppositions or Methods of Synthesis."
Architecture: The Act/Art of Building
Editor, J. Patrick Rand, 1993.
"Falsification vs. Fabrication": The Difference between Historic Imitation & Historic Innovation.ACSA/EAAE International Conference, Prague Czech Republic, 1993. (Presentation)
Beginnings in Architectural Education Programs, (Publication)
Managing Editor, Karen Eldridge, 1993. 'First year at Southern Tech: An Integrated Approach'
Braddock Carnegie Free Library Reuse Assessments: Issues, Concerns, and Recommendations.
Jay Garrott, 1984. Project Design and Reuse Strategy
Design Guidelines: Community Based Residential IntermediateCare Facilities for the Mentally Retarded.
Jay Garrott/Peter Burgess, 1984.