College of Engineering, Technology, and Architectureddavis@hartford.edu 860.768.4094 HJG W205E
MArch, Pratt Institute
BArch, Pratt Institute
BS, Architecture, Catholic University
Dan Davis is tenured Professor in the Department of Architecture in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture at the University of Hartford, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate classes and has previously served the College as Chairman of the Department of Architecture.
He is a Registered Architect in NY, CT, MA and FL and has over 30 years experience as a Design Architect.
This variety of current academic and professional experience has given him a unique perspective of architectural education and practice. His projects have won prestigious design awards and have been published in leading architectural journals. He is a published author of books, articles, professional/academic papers and journals.
Professional Experience
- Fletcher Thompson; Architects & Engineers, 2000 to 2013
- Senior Associate/Director of Design, Hartford, CT
- Friar Associates; Architects & Interior Designers, 1999 to 2000
- Associate/Senior Design Architect, Farmington, CT
- Fletcher Thompson; Architects & Engineers, 1997 to 1999
- Senior Design Architect, Bridgeport, CT
- Amenta/Emma; Architects, 1996 to 1997
- Associate/Design Architect, Hartford, CT
- Soyster Taylor Design; Architecture & Interiors, 1994 to 1995
- Partner/Design Architect/Project Architect, Farmington, CT
- S/L/A/M; Architects, Interior Designers & Planners, 1990 to 1994
- Design Architect/Project Architect, Glastonbury, CT
- Russell Gibson von Dohlen; Architects & Engineers, 1988 to 1989
- Design Architect/Project Architect, Farmington, CT
- Phoenix Mutual Insurance Company, 1986 to 1988
- Project Manager, Real Estate Development, Hartford, CT
- Renato Severino Associates; Architects & Planners, 1980 to 1986
- Partner/Design Architect/Project Architect, Greenwich, CT
- Studio Davis; Architecture & Artwork, 1980 to 1995
- Principal/Design Architect/Project Architect/Artist, Portland, CT
Administrative Experience
- Chairman/Director, Department of Architecture, 2000 to 2003
- University of Hartford, Ward College of Technology, West Hartford, CT
- Co-Chair, Department of Architecture, 2003 to 2004
- University of Hartford, College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture, West Hartford, CT
- Registered Architect
- Massachusetts, 2009
- Florida, 2008
- Connecticut, 1986
- NCARB, 1986
- New York, 1983
- LEED AP-NC, US Green Building Council 2009
- LEED AP-BC+D, US Green Building Council 2011
- Registered Interior Designer, Connecticut, 1990
Faculty Activity
- Search Committee Department of Architecture, 2011 to 2012
- Appointed to search committee for the Dean of the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture
- Search Committee University Sustainability Fellowship, 2010 to 2011
- Appointed to search committee by the Provost
- Search Committee Department of Architecture – Associate Professor, 2009 to 2010
- Appointed to search committee for the Dean of the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture
- Search Committee Department of Architecture – Associate Professor, 2008 to 2009
- Appointed to search committee for the Dean of the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture
- Search Committee Department of Architecture – ETC Professor, 2008 to 2009
- Appointed to search committee for the Dean of the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture
- Search Committee Department of Architecture – Assistant Professor, 2007 to 2008
- Appointed to search committee for the Dean of the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture
- Search Committee College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture – Dean, 2004 to 2005
- Appointed to search committee for the Dean of the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture
- Gengras Student - Union Advisory Board, 2004 to 2005
- Appointed to Advisory Board by Director of the Gengras Student Union
- Search Committee Department of Architecture – Chair, 2003 to 2004
- Appointed to search committee for the Chair of the Architecture Program
- NAAB Approval of Master of Architecture Program, 2000 to 2002
- Directed effort to develop an approved Master of Architecture Program
- DoHE Approval of Master of Architecture Program, 2000 to 2002
- Directed effort to develop an approved Master of Architecture Program
- TAC/ABET Accreditation Package, U of H AET Program, Fall 2001
- Co-author, volumes for a successful AET program accreditation visit
- Search Committee Hartford Art School – Dean, 2000 to 2001
- Appointed to search committee for the Dean of the Hartford Art School
- Search Committee Department of Architecture – Assistant Professor, 1999 to 2000
- Appointed to search committee for Professor in the Department of Architecture
- TAC/ABET Accreditation Package, U of H AET Program, Fall 1999
- Co-author, volumes for a successful AET program accreditation visit
- AET-Undergraduate Program Review, February 1999
- Co-author, university plan for Associate Provost & Dean of Undergraduate Studies
- Search Committee Department of Architecture – Assistant Professor, 1998 to 1999
- Appointed to search committee for Professor in the Department of Architecture
- AET-Undergraduate Program Student Assessment, June 1998
- Author, revised plan for New England Association of Schools & Colleges
- AET-Undergraduate Program Student Assessment, June 1997
- Author, revised plan for New England Association of Schools & Colleges
- Minor in Architectural Engineering Technology, Spring 1997
- Prepared outline and coursework for establishing a minor in AET
- TAC/ABET Accreditation Package, U of H AET Program, Fall 1996
- Co-author, volume for a successful AET program accreditation visit
- AET-Undergraduate Program Student Assessment, May 1996
- Co-author, plan for New England Association of Schools & Colleges
- University Task Force: Foundations of the Future, 2011 to 2012
- Provost Committee for Promotion and Tenure, 2008 to 2011
- Advisory Committee to the Study Abroad Office, 2008 to 2010
- U of H Athletic Council, 2008 to 2010
- Board of Regents Architectural Review Board, Fall2003 to 2009
- U of H Landscape Design Task Force, Spring 2002 to 2009
- Board of Regents Physical Plant Committee Fall 2000 to 2005
- U of H Development Committee, Fall 2000 to 2005
- U of H Budget Advisory Team, Fall 2001 to Spring 2004
- U of H Technology Planning Committee, Fall 2001 to Spring 2003
- U of H Graduate Council, Fall 2001 to Spring 2002
- U of H Executive Senate Committee, Fall 2000 to Spring 2002
- U of H Faculty Senate, Fall 2000 to Spring 2002
- U of H Faculty Awards Committee, Fall 1998 to Spring 2002
- Technology Complex Project Committee, Fall 2000 to Fall 2001
- U of H International Studies Committee, Fall 1996 to Spring 2001
- U of H Judicial Board, Fall 1995 to Spring 2001
- Strategic Planning Committee – Arts Cluster, Summer 2000
- U of H Assessment Task Force Committee, Fall 1997 to Spring 2000
- U of H Development Committee, Fall 1996 to Spring 1999
- U of H Faculty Senate, Spring 1996 to Spring 1999
- CETA Committee to Address Faculty Workload, Fall 2007 to 2008
- CETA Ad Hoc Committee to Address ABET Concerns, Fall 2007
- CETA Promotion and Tenure Committee, Fall 2007 to 2008
- CETA Academic Standings Committee, Fall 2005 to 2008
- Ward College Academic Standings Committee, Fall 2000 to Fall 2005
- COE/Ward Faculty Workload Committee, Fall 2003 to Fall 2004
- HAS Art & Technology Building Committee, Fall 2002 to Spring 2003
- COE/Ward Leadership Committee, Fall 2001 to Summer 2003
- COE/Ward Relationship Committee, Fall 2001 to Spring 2002
- Ad-Hoc Committee on Teaching Evaluations, Spring 2002
- Ward College Advisory Committee, Spring 2000 to Summer 2001
- Ward College Budget Advisory Committee, Fall 1998 to Spring 2001
- Ward College Building Committee, Fall 1998 to Spring 2001
- Ward College Curriculum Committee, Fall 1994 to Spring 2000
- Dean’s Ad Hoc Committee, Fall 1998 to Spring 1999
Professional Society Activity
- Program Co-Chair, Urban/Suburban Identity, October 2010
- Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture North East Conference, Hartford, CT
- Session Moderator, Urban/Suburban Identity, October 2010
- Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture North East Conference, Hartford, CT
- Education Commission Member,2009-present
- American Institute of Architects, Connecticut
- Session Moderator, Construction Engineering Division, June 2008
- American Society of Engineering Education Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
- Paper Reviewer, Engineering Technology Division 2007-2008
- American Society of Engineering Education Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
- Juror, Emerging Architect Award, 2004-2005
- American Institute of Architects / Connecticut
- Session Moderator, Engineering Technology Division, February 2005
- Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, Savannah, GA
- Juror, Public Service Award, 2004-2005
- American Institute of Architects, Connecticut
- Design Commission Member, 2000-present
- American Institute of Architects / Connecticut
- Awards Chair, Architectural Engineering Division, 2000-2001
- American Society of Engineering Education
- Invited Panelist, ACSA/NE Conference, October 2000
- Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Boston, MA
- Awards Chair, Architectural Engineering Division, 1999-2000
- American Society of Engineering Education
- Division Chair, Architectural Engineering Division, 1998-1999
- American Society of Engineering Education
- Session Moderator, Architectural Engineering Division, June 1999
- American Society of Engineering Education, Charlotte, NC
- Program Chair, Architectural Engineering Division, 1997-1998
- American Society of Engineering Education, Seattle, WA
- Paper Reviewer, Architectural Engineering Division, 1997-1998
- American Society of Engineering Education Conference, Seattle, WA
- Session Moderator, Architectural Engineering Division, June 1998
- American Society of Engineering Education Conference, Seattle, WA
- Asst. Program Chair, Architectural Engineering Division, 1996-1997
- American Society of Engineering Education, Milwaukee, WI
- Session Moderator, Architectural Engineering Division, June 1997
- American Society of Engineering Education Conference, Milwaukee, WI
Published Books
The Middle School of the Future, February 2004
- Co-Author, ISBN # 1-57886-101-2
The Elementary School of the Future, April 2002
- Contributing Chapter Co-AuthorISBN # 1-55691-242-0
Long Ago, Not Far Away, An Illustrated History, October 1996
- Contributing Author/Editor Middletown Press Book ISBN # 0-89865-976-0
Refereed Journals
“Integrating the Boyer Report into Architectural Education”, January 2002
- Journal of Engineering Education, ASEE Publication (1069-4730)
“Integrative Curriculum in AET”, Spring 2001
- Journal of Engineering Technology, ASEE Publication (0747-9664)
“Integrating the Boyer Report into Architectural Education”, October 1999
- Forming Civil Engineering’s Future, ASCE Publication (0-7844-0455-0)
Refereed Publications
“Construction Management Program Development, October 2011
- 2011 FIE Conference Proceedings, Black Hills, SD
“Developing a CM Track Within an AET Program”, June 2011
- 2011 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Vancouver, BC
“Incorporating Sustainability into the Curriculum”, June 2010
- 2010 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Louisville, KY
“Understanding Project Delivery Relationships”, February 2009
- 2009 CIEC Conference Proceedings, Lake Buena Vista, FL
“Partnering With Industry Via Your Advisory Board”, October 2008
- 2008 FIE Conference Proceedings, Saratoga Springs, NY
“Project Delivery Relationships”, June 2008
- 2008 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Pittsburgh, PA
“Project Delivery Relationships”, February 2008
- 2008 CIEC Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, LA
“Project Delivery Methods of Today”, February 2007
- Architecture for the 21st Century Symposium, Baton Rouge, LA
“Teaming With Industry Via Your Advisory Board”, June 2006
- 2006 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Chicago, IL
“Creating an Effective Advisory Board”, Feb 2006
- 2006 CIEC Conference Proceedings, San Antonio, TX
“Design Principles: a More Effective Teaching Facility”, June 2005
- 2005 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Portland, OR
“A Professional Industry Based Architecture Program”, Feb 2005
- 2005 CIEC Conference Proceedings, Savannah, GA
“Developing a Multidisciplinary Architecture Program”, Oct 2003
- 2003 ACSA Central Conference Proceedings, Muncie, IN
“Integrating Engineering, Art & Business into an Arch Program”, June 2003
- 2003 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Nashville, TN
“An Integrative Multidisciplinary Architecture Program” October 2002
- 2002 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, Boston, MA
“A Capstone Design Experience in AET”, June 2002
- 2002 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Montreal, Canada
“A Capstone Design Experience in AET”, October 2001
- 2001 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, Reno, NV
“An Integrative Curriculum in AET”, June 2001
- 2001 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Albuquerque, NM
“Creating an AET Curriculum with Industry”, February 2001
- 2001 CIEC Conference Proceedings, San Diego, CA
“Integrative Curriculum in AET”, October 2000
- 2000 ASCE National Educational Congress Proceedings, Seattle, WA
“Construction Management”, June 2000
- 2000 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, St. Louis, MO
“Developing Curriculum in Partnership with Industry”, January 2000
- 2000 CIEC Conference Proceedings, Lake Buena Vista, FL
“Collaborative Teaching and Learning”, June 1999
- 1999 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Charlotte, NC
“Industrial Experience – at the U of H AET Program”, June 1999
- 1999 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Charlotte, NC
“Faculty Development Through Partnership”, February 1999
- 1999 CIEC Conference Proceedings, Palm Springs, CA
“The Work of Theodate Pope Riddle, Architect”, October 1998
- 1998 ACSA NE Regional Conference Proceedings, Nova Scotia, Canada
“Staying Abreast of Professional Developments”, June 1998
- 1998 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Seattle, WA
“Design as a Process”, June 1997
- 1997 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Milwaukee, WI
“Designing with History and Technology”, June 1996
- 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Washington, DC
“A Building Material for the Past, Present and Future”, June 1996
- 7th NA Masonry Conference Proceedings, University of Notre Dame
“The Architectural/Building Design Process”, March 1996
- 1996 ASEE/GSW Annual Conference Proceedings, UT at San Antonio
“The Architectural Design Process”, February 1996
- 1996 E & A Symposium Proceedings, Prairie View A&M University
“The Hop Brook School”, February 1995
- 1995 E & A Symposium Proceedings, Prairie View A&M University
Reviewed/Edited Architectural Graphics, January 1996
- By Frank Ching for Van Nostrand Reinhold Publications
Non-Refereed Publications
“Ground Zero Mosque Is Catalyst for Student Designs”, April 2011
- AIA/Connecticut News, p. 3, New Haven, CT
“Ground Zero Mosque Is Catalyst for Student Designs” January 2011
- Faith & Form: The Interfaith Journal on Religion, Art and Architecture
“U of H Students Tackle Great I-84 Divide”, January 27, 2008
- Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT
“U of H Students Suggest Solution…”, Spring 2008
- AIA/Connecticut News, p. 6, New Haven, CT
“The Russell House of Middletown”, September/October 1996
- AIA/Connecticut News, p. 6, New Haven, CT
“Old High School Still Serves City”, June 17, 1996
- The Middletown Press, p. B2, Middletown, CT
“Portland Town Hall...Revival Architecture”, May 27, 1996
- The Middletown Press, p. A5, Middletown, CT
“The Portland Congregational Church”, May/June 1996
- AIA/Connecticut News, p. 9, New Haven, CT
“City’s Russell House...Greek Revival style”, April 15, 1996
- The Middletown Press, p. A5, Middletown, CT
“Architect Endures in Both Portlands”, March 18, 1996
- The Middletown Press, p. A5, Middletown, CT
Project Publications
New York Construction April 2010
- Newtown High School, Design Architect, Fletcher Thompson
AIA/Connecticut News, Spring 2004
- Stamford Palace Theater, Design Team Member, Fletcher Thompson
American School and University August 2002
- Southwest School, Design Architect, Fletcher Thompson
Middle School of the Future (Book) April 2002
- Southwest School, Design Architect, Fletcher Thompson
Design Share Magazine, October 2000
- Black Rock School, Design Architect, Fletcher Thompson
American School and University August 2000
- Black Rock School, Design Architect, Fletcher Thompson
Facility Management Journal, May/June 2000
- Stamford Palace Theater, Design Team Member, Fletcher Thompson
AIA/Connecticut News, Fall 1999
- Living Word Ministries, Design Architect, Friar Associates
AIA/Connecticut News, November/December 1998
- America’s Castles, Architectural Historian presenting Hill-Stead House
AIA/Connecticut News, September/October 1998
- SE Mental Health Authority Facility, Design Architect, Amenta/Emma
AIA/Connecticut News March/April 1998
- SE Mental Health Authority Facility, Design Architect, Amenta/Emma
AIA/Connecticut News July/August 1995
- Cancer Center, Hospital of St. Raphael, Design Architect, S/L/A/M
AIArchitect, July 1995
- Cancer Center, Hospital of St. Raphael, Design Architect, S/L/A/M
Meta-Realism in Architecture (Book), February 1995
- Mt. Pleasant Corp. Center & Sandbank Films, Design Architect, RSA
AIA/Connecticut News, November/December 1994
- Hop Brook School Design Architect, S/L/A/M
AIA Health Facilities Review, 1992-93
- Cancer Center, Hospital of St. Raphael, Design Architect, S/L/A/M
Progressive Architecture P/A Plans, August 1992
- Cancer Center, Hospital of St. Raphael, Design Architect, S/L/A/M
Architectural Record, January 1985
- Mount Pleasant Corporate Center, Project Manager, RSA
Professional Projects