Emeritus Professor
Emeriti Association, Computing Sciences
College of Arts and Scienceszegarelli@hartford.edu
I began my association with UHart teaching many computer related courses in the College of Engineering (CETA). In 2001 I joined the Computer Science department on a full time basis teaching most courses in the CS curriculum. I served on many UHart committees and led the curriculum development in CS. I am now an Emeritus and actively participate in the Emeriti Association as webmaster and member of the executive committee. I also teach courses in the new Complexity Minor and serve on the van Rooy Center for Complexity and Conflict Analysis. I spent many years in IT departments at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft and Cigna corporation.
I have 3 major interests: Complexity Theory, Computer Science and Mathematics. Complexity Theory is an emerging area of study. I take MOOC courses provided by the Santa Fe Institute and participate in the van Rooy Center for Complexity and Conflict Analysis. This is a group of professors and students who meet on a regular basis to discuss complex systems. I am also a member of a small company that provides competitive information to providers of retirement products.