Professor and Chair of Mathematics Department
College of Arts and Sciencesxue@hartford.edu 860.768.5916 D 220B
PhD, West Virginia University
BS, South China University of Technology
Fei Xue joined the College of Arts and Sciences in 2008. His students usually call him Professor X, and his research includes differential and difference equations, dynamical equations on time scales, and a little bit of probability. He is a member of the following organizations: Mathematical Association of America (MAA), International Society of Difference Equations (ISDE), and the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics, and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS).
Pedagogical Techniques:
- Flipping the Classroom
- Use of mobile technology for flipping friendly classroom
- Active learning
- Plickers and clickers for instant and anonymous feedback
- Group quizzes
Courses Taught:
- FYS 100: First-Year-Seminar Mathematical Modeling
- M 110: Modeling with Elementary Functions (On-campus and Distance Learning)
- M 140: Pre-Calculus
- M 144: Calculus I
- M 145: Calculus II
- M 260: Data Analysis
- M 350: Numerical Analysis
- M 360: Probability Theory
- M 366: Engineering Probability and Statistics
My research interests are the asymptotic analysis of differential and time scales, and pedagogical Calculus research.
- Fei Xue, On Asymptotic Summations of Almost Diagonal Difference Systems and Their Applications, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 66, 2156-2164, 2013.
- Clara Fang and Fei Xue, Modeling Lead Vehicles Dynamics through Traffic Simulation and Field Data, International Journal of Modern Engineering, Volume 12, No. 2, 72-79, 2012.
- Fei Xue, Asymptotic solutions of linear dynamic systems on time scales, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 55 No. 4595-614, 2009.
- Probability and Statistics (in English), with H. Lai, J. Lin, Z. Hao, Y. Hong, Z. Tao, and F. Zhu, Higher Education Press (in China), 2008.
- F. Xue and H. Gingold, On The Asymptotic Summation of Difference Systems, Proceeding of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 137A, 771-797, 2007.
- F. Xue and H. Gingold, On Asymptotic Summation of Potentially Oscillatory Difference Systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 330, 1068-1092, 2007.
- H. Gingold and F. Xue A New Technique for Asymptotic Integration of Potentially Oscillatory Differential Systems, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 34, No. 3, 323-346, 2007.
Undergraduate Research:
I have worked with a few students on the project Mixed Probability Distribution on Time Scales. We tried to set up some distributions on time scale which include both discrete and continuous domain.I am a Co-PI on the NSF grant Supporting and Sustaining Scholarly Mathematics Teaching (S^3MT), which was funded for $583,525 in 2017. This project is to develop a cadre of scholarly teachers who will teach flipped mathematics courses using active learning strategies, and who are committed to conducting and publishing research on the effectiveness of these pedagogical innovations.
I am a Senior Personal of the NSF grant Flipping Calculus (DUE#1245059), $172,136, from 2012 to 2016. We flipped all of our Calculus I sections and part of our Calculus II sections and did pedagogical research about our flipping.
- Wang, Z., Zhang, L., Xue, F., Hao Z., Wen J., Wang, Q., and Xiao, C., Practice and Cogitation of the Flipped Classroom in Advanced Mathematics, (in Chinese language with English title and abstract) submitted to Theory and Practice of Education.
- Schroeder, L, McGivney-Burelle, J, Haruta, M, & Xue, F., Collaborate and Innovate: One Department’s Perspective on Factors Supporting and Sustaining Pedagogical Change in Calculus I, Accepted by PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies.
- Xue, F and He, M, Characteristics of Teaching Innovations in the United States: A Case Study of the Flipping Calculus Project, (in Chinese language with English title and abstract), accepted by Computer Knowledge and Technology.
- Xue, F., Zhang, L., Wen, L., & Wang, Z., Flipping Calculus Using Mobil Technology, US-China Education Review A, Vol. 6, No. 10, 575-583.
- Schroeder, L, McGivney-Burelle, J. & Xue, F., To Flip or Not to Flip?: An Exploratory Study Comparing Pedagogy in Calculus I, PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, Vol. 25, Issue 9-10, 876–885, 2015.
- Jean McGivney-Burelle and Fei Xue, Flipping Calculus, PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, Vol. 23, Issue 5, 447–486, 2013.
- L. Schroeder, F. Xue, and R. McGivney, Flipping Three Mathematics Courses: Common Conclusions and Plans for the Future. MathAMATYC Educator, Vol. 4, Number 2, 63–67, 2013.
- Fei Xue and Jean McGivney-Burelle, Using Group Quizzes to Engage Students in Learning Calculus, MathAMATYC Educator, Vol. 4, No. 1, 4–8, 2012.
- F. Xue and J. McGivney-Burelle, Using Clickers in Calculus, Proceeding of Second International STEM in Education Conference, 290–293, 2013.
University Service:
- College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award committee
- Promotion and Tenure Committee of the College
- Faculty Evaluation Taskforce committee
- Faculty Diversity committee
- Faculty Affair committee
- Innovation in Teaching and Learning award committee
- Faculty senator
- Faculty Diversity committee
- Environmental & Sustainability committee
- Curriculum Committee for the College of Arts and Science
Departmental Service:
- Chair of the search committee for two Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
- WebWork Administrator (mathematics homework system)
- Associate Chair of the Mathematics and Physics department
- Co-Chair of the search committee for one Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
- Chair the search committee for two Visiting Assistant Professors and one G3 adjunct
- Faculty search committee of Mathematics Department
- Faculty search committee of the Physics department
- Course coordinator of Calculus I and II
- Hiring Committee of Department of Mathematics
- Calculus Textbook committee