Program Director, English-Secondary Education; Clinical/Applied Associate Professor of English; Director of Writing Programs
English and Modern Languages
College of Arts and Sciencessochacki@hartford.edu 860.768.4347 A 212-F
JD, Western New England College
BA, Assumption College
Julie Sochacki is a Clinical Associate Professor of English and Director of the English Secondary Education Program. She is a former urban educator and has the Connecticut credentials as an ELA teacher, literacy specialist, and intermediate administrator/principal.
Professor Sochacki holds a Juris Doctor and has been a member of the Connecticut Bar since 2001. She is a council member on the Connecticut State Department of Education Educator Preparation Advisory Council.
Her research concerns the resilient teacher and compassionate pedagogies in secondary and higher education. Professor Sochacki is a 200 hour Kripalu Yoga teacher; she also brings mindfulness into the classroom. Her courses are engaging, collaborative and reflective.