Student Move-In

Student move-in is taking place as scheduled Monday and Tuesday. However, please note that students and families who experience travel delays or have concerns following Sunday's snow may arrive outside of their scheduled time slot at any time between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday or Tuesday. Students who need to arrive outside of these hours of 8:30 to 5 during these two days may contact the Office of Residential Life at

Michelle Rabideau (Martin)

Michelle Rabideau (Martin) headshot

Assistant Dean of Student Persistence and Achievement; Associate Professor

Dean's Office for A & S, Mathematics

College of Arts and Sciences
860.768.4816 D 214, H 200

PhD, University of Connecticut

MAT, Rhode Island College

BS, University of Connecticut

Dr. Rabideau’s free time is spent with family, friends and her mini Australian shepherd named Pickles. She loves gardening and house plants. You will see a lot of plants if you are ever in a virtual meeting with her. Dr. Rabideau enjoys reading. She prefers fiction, specifically epic fantasy novels. She is always glad to take suggestions on new books, television shows and movies to enjoy, so please share with anything you think she would like. She also enjoys hiking and baking.

Interest Areas

Dr. Rabideau’s mathematical research focuses on algebra and combinatorics. Specifically, she employs combinatorial tools to obtain results that contribute to the study of cluster algebras, combinatorics and number theory. Her work incorporates methods and techniques related to continued fractions, perfect matchings of graphs, lattice paths, Christoffel words, Lagrange numbers etc.

In addition, she also does research in mathematics education. She has published papers investigating student letter grades in different courses. Dr. Rabideau is interested in studying student success in calculus especially. In particular, she works on promoting student success in Calculus by encouraging investigative and collaborative activities in Precalculus to build the foundation many students need.

Courses Taught
  • M140 Precalculus
  • M144: Calculus I
  • M145: Calculus II
  • M220: Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
  • M221W: Discrete Mathematics 1
  • M242: Differential Equations
  • M370: Foundations of Geometry
  • M420: Intro to Modern Algebra
  • M444: Intro to Real Analysis
  • M480: Various topics

My free time is spent with family, friends and my pets. I have a cat named Cat and a dog named Pickles. If you meet me, you will be sure to hear about all of the trouble those two get into! I read for fun every night. I prefer fiction, specifically, epic fantasy novels. I am always glad to take suggestions on new books, television shows and movies to enjoy, so please share with me anything you think I would like. I also enjoy hiking, gardening and baking. Lastly, I like having a creative outlet and tend to jump from one crafty project to the next.