Assistant Professor
College of Arts and Sciencesminenkova@hartford.edu 860.768.5167 D 237
PhD, University of Connecticut
MS, University of Mississippi
BS, Donetsk National University (Ukraine)
Anastasiia Minenkova joined the College of Arts and Sciences in 2023. She works in applied mathematics on the intersection of numerical analysis and perturbation theory. She is also interested in applications of numerical linear algebra to such areas as machine learning and quantum computing. Her work has been centered around the investigation of stability of numerical algorithms. She has experience working with undergraduates on research projects and mentoring students. She strives to promote equity and inclusion in math through her teaching and service.
Recent Publications
- A Linear Algebra Story: How We Reconstructed a Matrix from its Eigenvalues, with Alex Holley, 2023, The College Mathematics Journal, DOI: 10.1080/07468342.2023.2266319
- A theorem of Joseph-Alfred Serret and its relation to perfect quantum state transfer, with Maxim Derevyagin and Nathan Sun, Expositiones Mathematicae, 39, Issue 3, 2021, p. 480–499 3. Existence of γ-FOCS for real H-selfadjoint matrices, with Sahinde Dogruer and Vadim