Director of Creative Writing; Professor
English and Modern Languages
College of Arts and Sciencesgrossberg@hartford.edu 860.768.4944 A 204J
PhD, University of Houston
MFA, University of Houston
BA, Rutgers University
Benjamin S. Grossberg is the author of Space Traveler (University of Tampa, 2014); Sweet Core Orchard (University of Tampa, 2009), winner of the Tampa Review Prize and a Lambda Literary Award; and Underwater Lengths in a Single Breath (Ashland Poetry Press, 2007), winner of the Snyder Prize. He has also published two chapbooks, The Auctioneer Bangs his Gavel, with Kent State University Press (2006) and An Elegy (Jacar Press, 2016). His poems have appeared widely, including in the Pushcart Prize and Best American Poetry anthologies, Poetry Daily and Verse Daily, and the journals, Paris Review, Kenyon Review, New England Review, Southern Review, and The Sun. A recipient of individual artist grants from the states of Connecticut and Ohio, he is also an Assistant Poetry Editor and regular book reviewer for the Antioch Review. He teaches creative writing.