Professor of English and Modern Languages; Director, French Minor; Director, Spanish Minor; Director, Humanities Center
English and Modern Languages
College of Arts and Sciencesealy@hartford.edu 860.768.4735 A 212-G
PhD, Emory University
MA, Florida State University
BA, Stetson University
Nicholas Ealy (PhD in Comparative Literature) specializes in the medieval literature and culture of France and Spain. He is the director of the French Program, the Spanish Program, and the Humanities Center at the university and teaches First-Year Seminars as well as courses on European and American/Latin-American literature, Literature and Psychology, Greek Mythology, and Mediterranean Studies. His research focuses on the literature of erotic and spiritual love from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries, with secondary interests in psychoanalytic studies and film studies.
He was named as a Distinguished Teaching Humanist (2022-24) and an Outstanding Faculty Member in the College of Arts and Sciences (2019). In addition, he was granted the Roy E. Larsen Award for Teaching and Contributions to University Life (2020) and the Donald C. Davis University Interdisciplinary Studies Teaching Award (2015).
His publications include the co-edited book Violence, Trauma, and Memory: Responses to War in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World (2022), the sole-authored book Narcissism and Selfhood in French Medieval Literature: Wounds of Desire (2019), and peer-reviewed articles on medieval literature, modern literature, and cinema. He also co-edits the “Reading Trauma and Memory” book series for Lexington Press. His research has been supported by fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Mellon Foundation.
Currently, he is at work on a sole-authored book project that examines narcissism and testimony in medieval and early-modern Spanish literature.
Co-Edited Book:
Violence, Trauma, and Memory: Reponses to War in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World. Lexington (Rowman & Littlefield), 2022.
Sole-Authored Book:
Narcissism and Selfhood in Medieval French Literature: Wounds of Desire. Palgrave, 2019.
Sole-Authored Articles and Book Chapters:
“Warfare, Trauma, and Desire in Fernando de Rojas’s Celestina” in Violence, Trauma, and Memory: Responses to War in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World, ed. Alexandra Onuf and Nicholas Ealy (Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman & Littlefield, 2022): 97-116.
“‘Tu es déjà rentré?’: Trauma, Narcissism and Melancholy in François Ozon’s Sous le sable (2000)” in Studies in French Cinema 17.3 (2017): 217-235.
“Born under the Sign of Venus: The ‘Woman-Who-Never-Was’ and the Libro de buen amor” in Sexuality, Sociality and Cosmology in Medieval Literary Texts, ed. Jennifer Brown and Marla Segol (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013): 90-120.
“The Poet at the Mirror: René d’Anjou and Authorial Doubling in the Livre du Coeur d’Amour épris” in Fifteenth-Century Studies 37, ed. Barbara Gusick and Matthew Heintzelman (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2012): 17-46.
“From Blood-on-Snow to Boys-on-Sand: Perceval’s Mirror in Michel Tournier’s The Ogre” in Studies in the Novel 44.1 (Spring 2012): 62-79.
“Calisto’s Narcissistic Visions: A Reexamination of Melibea’s ‘Ojos Verdes’ in Celestina” in eHumanista: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies 21 (2012): 390-409.