Meet Crissi:

What is your job title/employer name?
I am the assistant director of the LGBT Resource Center at Cornell University.
What part of your UHart experience had the greatest impact on your career today?
The part of my UHart experience that had the biggest impact on my career today would hands down my three years as an RA in E and F Complexes. Being an RA not only revealed student affairs as a career path, but instilled a deep love for the work, which has led to a master’s degree in higher education and nearly 10 years of experience in the field.
What led you to the job or career you have and where do you hope to fly next?
Being an RA led to the general field of student affairs, but I fell in love with queer advocacy and social justice during graduate school when I was a graduate assistant in the Rainbow Resource Center at the University of Maine. I am deeply enjoying living in Ithaca, and currently plan to continue to pursue my career at Cornell.
Hawks have an allegiance to their nesting site and return each year. If you were back on campus, what is one spot you'd have to make sure to visit?
The first place I would visit back on campus would be the Krieble Ceramics Center. While my fine art degree did not lead directly to a career in the arts, my fondest memories of my time at UHart were late nights in the studio, babysitting kiln firings, or trying to finish a piece before an early morning critique.
Hawks can see eight times better than humans and dive 150 mph through the air. If you had to choose between super-human speed and super-human eyesight, which would you pick?
I would definitely choose super speed. The ability to do things five times as fast as I can now sounds like an amazing productivity boost!