Below are Special Topics offerings for Spring 2024.
Spring 2024
Study Abroad
UISA120D: Literature and Films Across Cultures (SA) [3] Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Latin American cinema with our nine-day study abroad program in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This unique and enriching experience offers students and film enthusiasts the opportunity to delve into the rich cinematic traditions of Latin America while exploring the cultural and historical context of Buenos Aires and the surrounding areas. This three-credit class will travel to Argentina over Spring Break, providing an immersive experience of museums, cinema, culture and beauty in one of the world's most vibrant cities. The UISA-D class also counts towards degree requirements in Cinema, Communications, and Digital Media & Journalism.
Cross-listed Courses
UISA165D: Introduction to Caribbean Literature [3] This course introduces students to major authors, texts, and themes in Caribbean literature. Special attention is paid to the ideas interrogated in Caribbean Literature (e.g. colonial legacies, hybridity, creolization.) and the genres (poetry, prose, and fiction) in which those ideas are communicated. The Caribbean is synonymous with multiplicity. It is a region of different races, ethnicities, cultures, and languages because it has been shaped by “New World” colonialism, slavery, and indentured servitude. Thus, it is a site of trauma but also of adaptation, innovation, and resistance. We will probe what it means to be from this region and to be part of the Caribbean diaspora. How do scholars and artist confront colonial legacies? How do they wrestle with the Caribbean as a site of inclusion and exclusion? What methods or techniques do they use to redefine and better represent their identities? Counts as a “D” diversity course in UIS.
UISC190 Medical Humanities [3] In this course, students think critically about how the disciplines that comprise the humanities deepen knowledge of the practices of medicine and healthcare. Through engaging in points of view informed by fields such as history, philosophy, media studies, literature, ethnic and gender studies, art history, and jurisprudence, students will analyze the perspectives of clinicians, caregivers, and patients. The course pays special attention to how these diverse areas provide ways of analyzing medical ethics cases like those used throughout professional medical and health professional education, culminating in the collaborative creation and presentation of such cases at the end of the semester.
Study Abroad
UISC165 Business and Culture in Northern Spain [3] This course explores organizations in northern Spain addressing the need for sustainable business operations. We study the social, environmental, and economic outcomes of worker-owned and conventionally-governed organizations in northern Spain. A focal point is the Mondragon cooperatives. The sustainable operations of other businesses and a local government in the region, and regional culture are also addressed. The course includes 3 pre-travel classes, Spain travel, and one class afterward. It is suitable for a Global Awareness credit or an elective.
UISS190D Education, Health, and the Ecology of Community [3] Decisions about health and education are two of the most important life choices that humans make throughout their lifespan. Towards the goal of personal and community wellness, this course investigates the role of education and public health systems in creating life patterns for self, family and community. Population health and education experts will contribute to knowledge building in systems, driving institutional forces, community networks of care in education and health, and contemporary impacts on health and education.
UISS190: Mastering Your Personal Finances [3] This integrative course in social sciences introduces students to the personal side of the financial analysis and decision making. It applies concepts from society, government, and behavioral finance to empower individuals to meet their financial goals, resolve their financial problems, and improve their quality of life. Students will develop skills to manage a personal budget, develop a savings plan, assess individual risk tolerance and select optimal investments, manage credit card and student loans, identify options to protect their health and personal property.
Study Abroad
UISS165 Business and Culture in Northern Spain [3] This course explores organizations in northern Spain addressing the need for sustainable business operations. We study the social, environmental, and economic outcomes of worker-owned and conventionally-governed organizations in northern Spain. A focal point is the Mondragon cooperatives. The sustainable operations of other businesses and a local government in the region, and regional culture are also addressed. The course includes 3 pre-travel classes, Spain travel, and one class afterward. It is suitable for a Global Awareness credit or an elective.
UIST190 Pathways to Sustainability [3] The development of affordable and sustainable energy is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The technologies being developed and implemented depend not only on their technical attributes and cost but also on public policy and social acceptance. Students enrolled in this course will be able to analyze the similarities and differences on how the US and Germany are reducing their dependence on fossil fuels, addressing climate change, and adopting renewable energy and conservation technologies.